Using curl for querying Active Directory / LDAP from command line


For quering Active Directory /LDAP from command line, you can run something like



Saqib Ali - Dec 1, 2018

Super thanks for posting this!

Enter your instance's address

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Active Directory authentication for PostgreSQL users

2020-10-12 | #active directory #ldap #postgres

It is easy, you just need to add to the configuration file /var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf host all all ldap ldapserver="myldapserver" ldapbasedn="OU=USERS,DC=group,DC=redaelli,DC=org" ldapbinddn="CN=matteo,OU=USERS,DC=group,DC=redaelli,DC=org" ldapbindpasswd="MySillyPwd" ldapsearchattribute="sAMAccountName" ldapscheme="ldaps" And inside your database yu need to create a role for the Active director users and then grant them to the required databases.

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