RabbitMQ acquired by SpringSource/VMWare

2010-04-13 | #Erlang #LinkedIn #OpenSource

“Erlang-based RabbitMQ was acquired today by SpringSource, which is owned by VMWare” “RabbitMQ is a complete and highly reliable enterprise messaging system based on the emerging AMQP standard. It is licensed under the open source Mozilla Public License and has a platform-neutral distribution, plus platform-specific packages and bundles for easy installation.

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Do not forget...

2010-01-31 | #Africa #Me #Volontariato

Sometimes I need to watch this video, it helps me to not forget… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hOaL6M4SDU[/youtube] QUESTO SUCCEDE MENTRE NOI SIAMO ACCECATI DALL’AVIDITA’ E DAL CONSUMISMO… E NOI FACCIAMO poco o NULLA PER CAMBIARE…

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Do NOT BUY any DVB USB devices with TRIDENT chipsets

2010-01-01 | #dvb #internet #Linux #Me #OpenSource #trident

Please do NOT buy any DVB USB devices with TRIDENT chipsets like Freecom DVB-T & Analog TV USB STICK (USB Id 14aa:0620), Moka Hybrid TV receiver MK-DVBT-DUAL (USB Id 14aa:0620), LifeView LR535 … a PCIe Mini Card (USB Id 10fd:0535), ADS Tech Mini Dual TV (PTV-339) (USB ID 06e1:b339) If you are a Linux User, please share this news in INTERNET: it is about user generated content AGAINST TRIDENT and other CLOSED source vendors!

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